The project “Building a Resilient Churia Region in Nepal (BRCRN)” is funded by Green Climate Fund (GCF) with joint agreement between United Nation, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Government of Nepal (GoN) on 3rd May, 2020. The project has been implementing in collaboration with Ministry of Forests and Environment (MoFE), and Food and Agriculture Organization for building a resilient Churia Region in the Eastern part of Nepal. For the project execution, Project Management Unit (PMU) is established at Babarmahal, Kathmandu as a central office under the Ministry of Forests and Environment, and three Provincial Project Management Unit (PPMU) at Province level i.e. Province No.1, Province No.2, and Bagamati Province under the Project Management Unit, Babarmahal, Kathmandu. This is the first GCF project in Nepal and will be implement with the mobilization of 750 community-based organizations. In this project, FAO as the Nominated Accredited Entity (AE) for the project and responsible to GCF for implementation of the project and is also co-Executing Entity (EE) with the Ministry of Forests and Environment, GoN.

For the project implementation, the total fund is US$ 47.43M including of GCF grant US$ 39.39 million and Government of Nepal US$ 8.04M. from The project will be implemented in 26 river systems of Churia Region of Province No.1, Province No.2, and Bagamati Province.

Project Duration

This project came in effect from 12th May, 2020. the project duration will be FY 2077/078 to 2084/085 (2020 -2027 A.D.). However, FY 2077/078 and FY 2078/079 is project preparatory phase for programs implementation plan preparation. Preparation of structural activities for implementation at local in 26 river systems of the project will be in operation from FY 2079/080.


The project objective is to enhance the climate resilience of ecosystems and vulnerable communities in Nepal´s Churia region through integrated sustainable natural resource management (SNRM) approaches.

Component wise Objectives

The project objective will be achieved through the following Components:

Component 1:Scaling up climate-resilient Sustainable Natural Resource Management (SNRM).

Component 2:Strengthening institutions and planning for climate-resilient SNRM.

Component 3: mproving knowledge, awareness and local capacity for climate-resilient SNRM.

Outcomes Indicators



1. Preparation of Ecosystem Restoration Plan

River System


2. Farm School Establishment and Operation



3. Gully Control and Pond Conservation



4. Plantation,Conservation,and Natural Reproduction Management



5. Climate Resilient Capacity Enhancement


Chure Resilient